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Translation:O Muhammad, now that these people are not paying heed and are not believing, warn them of the horrors of the Day, when judgment shall be passed, and they will have nothing left for them but vain regret.
Translit: Waanthirhum yawma alhasrati ith qudiya alamru wahum fee ghaflatin wahum la yuminoona
0 waanthirhumWaanthirhum
1 yawma | يَوْمَ | day; age, era, time Combined Particles yawma
2 alhasratialhasrati
3 ith | إِذْ | (and) then, |introducing a verbal clause| Combined Particles ith
4 qudiyaqudiya
5 alamrualamru
6 wahum | وَهُمْ | | | | when/if | they | Subject Pronoun h
7 fee | فِي | in; at; on |prep.| Combined Particles fiy
8 ghaflatinghaflatin
9 wahum | وَهُمْ | | | | when/if | they | Subject Pronoun h
10 la | لَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles
11 yuminoonayuminuwna